Do you remember when we’d get gold stars for good behavior, excellence in school work, or things like that? I miss those days. I miss the days when we got rewarded. And listen, I’m not saying everything needs a reward. But you’ve got to admit, it used to feel so good to have your work be noticed.
This last week was the first time since my pregnancy began that I actually started to feel human again–like actually start to be productive again. And man oh man, the day I noticed an increase in energy, I felt like I deserved a gold star! I wanted to shout it from the rooftop, but how silly would that be? I mean, I was proud of myself for getting through some tough things and coming out on the other side. I was proud of the fact I was able to make my bed, cook dinner, and go grocery shopping. I was proud that I was more interactive with my son. But I felt so silly being that proud over things that most everyone would view as mundane.
I often wonder if we do ourselves the disservice of not celebrating all the wins in our lives. Celebrating the “little” things shouldn’t be something we’re embarrassed to talk about. I do deserve a gold star for these times, and so do you. You deserve to be celebrated when you accomplish something despite anyone seeing. It’s not silly, it’s called loving yourself, and you deserve that love. You know why? Because Jesus loves you that much! He’s celebrating right alongside you for all the big wins, and “little” wins. So, let’s remember that when the world withholds their gold stars for our victories, Jesus is waiting with a big gold star, just for us. Keep on keeping on, friend!