Worry seems to be everywhere we look right now.
You feel it on the road during your morning commute. You see it on the faces of your coworkers. You read about it in your news feeds. You hear it in your conversations with your close friends.
And now, I’m talking to you about it. That’s peaceful.
It feels like worry is everywhere, but it’s always been here. 2,000 years ago, Jesus stood in front of a crowd and spent a solid 10 minutes talking about worry. Don’t do it. It’s a waste of time. God has everything you need.
“Sounds great, Jesus,” they said impatiently. “What’s for dinner? We’re starving.”
We’ve been staving ever since.
The only solution is buried right in the ask. “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.” When we seek solutions to our worry–instead of prioritizing God’s purposes and values in our life–we find more worry.
Rely on God for your next meal.
Bring Him into your commute. Your workday. Your convos.
He’s got this.