Perfectionism sucks.
It’s a great driver towards success. It’s a really good encourager for consistency. And it almost always produces quality work.
But wow, is it a BEAST when you’re in the process of bettering, growing and healing yourself.
The harsh reality (at least for me) is that I’m not perfect. There. I said it. And when I start getting into areas I just can’t control (most of life), or areas of growth that require more stumbling through than nailing it on the first try (most of life) then that progress begins to be dwarfed by the lack of perfection, and I don’t think that’s how God intended this journey to be at all.
At ANY level.
So this week, I’m going to make an attempt at giving myself a little more grace. I’m going to encourage myself in the areas where I have been making progress and not rely on others to do that encouraging for me. And I’m going to be grateful for the difficult journey and how God is growing me and changing me well before that finish line comes into view.
If you’re with me, leave a comment or shoot me a text at 208-455-0887 and let me know I’m not the only one fighting perfectionism this week! –Kevin